Look at what your donations have done:

A new Junior Secondary School!

The above work started just this last December:

Foundation (pre-slab)

Wall construction

Roof construction

Thanks to you, the school has modern lavatories (and passes the hygiene inspection - with well water).

And, now it has enough classroom facilities to accomodate Kenya's new 7-8-9 Junior Secondary School format!

Below, you can view the computer lab and the drilling of the well.

All of these things happened in 2023, making for a very productive year.  We can't thank you enough:

(May you be abundantly blessed in 2024 for all you've done to help out in 2023!)

Opening of the computer lab (in Sept.):



Laptops (and CCTV)

Current classrooms (as of September):

Drilling of the well (in October):

Initial setup for drilling of the well:

Well water being used: 

(The ground is muddy because the well ran for many hours after drilling to assure clean water - "developing" the well)


If you've read, this far - thank you (and, seriously, take a moment to celebrate the drilling of the well)!

 At 200 feet deep, it will not dry up in the dry season and will serve the community for generations!

Matunda Kwa Wote Fund

(Matunda Kwa Wote means "fruit for all" in Kiswahili)

EIN: 88-1507066

Donate through our site and receive your tax deductible receipt via Benevity